Why buying your wedding dress during the holidays is your secret weapon!

Shopping during the holiday season can seem stressful but there are actually some serious advantages to shopping for your dress during the holidays! Whether your wedding is right around the corner or set farther out for next summer, fall, or winter, now is the perfect time to make your dress shopping dreams come true!

#1 - A more private experience

If having a more private experience is important to you, you should definitely consider setting your appointment during the holidays. Since tons of people get engaged over the holidays, appointment times after the holidays in January and the following months get filled quickly. Because of how many appointments will be booked during the beginning of the next year, the store will likely be full when you come in for your appointment. Take away the extra stress of coming in during the busiest dress shopping season of the year by setting your appointment during the holiday season of November and December! During those months, fewer people will be shopping and you’ll be able to get a more private experience while looking for your dress.

#2 - Getting your dress before Chinese New Year shipping delays

You might be wondering what Chinese New Year has to do with dress shopping. Whether your dress is made domestically or overseas, many of the raw materials for your dress come from China. During Chinese New Year, all the factories in China shut down for at least 3 weeks to observe that holiday during January. Getting your dress order in before that holiday starts can be a super advantage, since then you won’t have to worry about waiting if the holiday delays the shipment of your dress!

#3 - You get to try on the newest season FIRST!!!

Big shipments of dresses are usually arriving in November and December from brand new fall collections!! During the holiday season, you’ll get to be one of the first to try on these new dresses as soon as they are put out on our floor. As with all our dresses, if it fits perfectly and you’d rather avoid shipping times if your wedding is right around the corner, you can purchase the dress off the sales floor and take it home with you the day of your appointment. Isn’t that exciting??

#4 - Your people are already together for the holidays!

If you want to bring your loved ones with you to your appointment, the holidays might be an ideal time to invite them, since they have all gathered together already! Inviting them to your appointment sooner rather than later will help make sure everyone can align their schedules with yours so everyone you love can be present for your dress shopping experience.

Contrary to popular belief, dress shopping during the holidays isn’t stressful–it’s actually your secret weapon! It can be beautiful and fun and it can come with so many unexpected advantages!! We are always so happy that we get to be part of your special day by helping you find your perfect dress whenever you book your appointment. Thank you so much for being our brides!


Your Bella Brides Fam


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